Natural 气体 contains many components, some of which can cause damage to your equipment, pose a danger to your employees, and lower the market value of your natural 气体 inventories. im体育APP’s natural 气体 composition and liquid petroleum hydrocarbon testing services can quantify the composition of your 气体 to lower risk and increase value.

Natural 气体 composition testing

im体育APP offers a complete range of 气体 composition and hydrocarbon testing services with multiple applications including:

  • 监护权转移
  • 油藏管理
  • 商品价值
  • Process Design and Optimization
  • 产品ion/Revenue Accounting


By utilizing a state-of-the-art 气体-chromatography oriented hydrocarbon analysis laboratory and a team of industry-recognized experts, im体育APP performs analyses conforming to the 气体 Processors Association (GPA), American Standard Test Methods (ASTM), and American Petroleum Institute (API) methodology. Our services extend beyond natural 气体es to hydrocarbon liquids ranging from liquefied natural 气体 to heavy oil and bitumen (密度 1.000+).

im体育APP provides specialty sampling containers for the collection of pressurized 气体 and liquid samples, as well as inert sampling bags used for low-level sulfur samples.

For more information about our natural 气体 composition and liquid petroleum hydrocarbon test services, 请 立即im体育APP.


  • Custom Specialty 校准 气体 & 天然气凝析液的标准 & 设备
  • Extended 气体 Analysis (C12+, C15+) determining heating values, 密度, pseudocritical properties, relative molecular mass, and petroleum liquid content.
  • 气体 Analysis (GPA 2261, D-1945)
  • H2S气体分析
  • 气体 BETX (GPA 2286)
  • 气体 Capillary (GPA 2286)
  • H2O-Stain Tube (D-4888)
  • H2S-Stain Tube (D-4810, GPA 2377)
  • Helium Content (GPA 2261, D-1945)
  • Hydrocarbon Dew Point Calculation
  • Hydrocarbon Dew Point with Capillary Analysis
  • 氢 Content (GPA 2261, D-1945)
  • Karl Fisher in other products
  • Karl Fisher water in Propane/Butane
  • LDEQ Certified GPA Method 2286
  • Low-Level Hydrocarbon by GC
  • 气相色谱法测定低氧
  • 甲醇的测试
  • Mole Sieve with Argon Carrier
  • Mole Sieve with Helium Carrier
  • 用FID测定烯烃气体
  • Oxygen Content (GPA 2261, D-1945)
  • 炼厂气分析
  • RSH-Stain Tube (D-1988)
  • Sulfur Speciation (D-5504, GPA 2199)
  • Total Sulfur (D-5504, GPA 2199)
  • API Gravity (w/o shrink) (D-287)
  • 灰分和蜡分分析 
  • 沥青质分析
  • ASTM Distillation (D-86)
  • Carbon Residue Analysis
  • Comp废话&W
  • 压缩w/API
  • Compositional analysis to C7+, C12+, C30+, and C100+
  • Condensate Analysis (IN HOUSE)
  • Condensate Capillary (GPA 2186 MOD)
  • 铜带(D-1838)
  • 密度测试
  • 闪蒸气体(每级)
  • H2S -染色管
  • H2S分析(铬.)
  • Mole Sieve with Argon Carrier
  • Mole Sieve with HE Carrier
  • FID测定烯烃液体
  • Organic Chlorides Analysis
  • Organic Phosphorus Analysis
  • Pour Point, Cloud Point, and Flash Point Analysis
  • 产品 Analysis (GPA 2177, D-2597)
  • 产品BETX (GPA 2186)
  • 产品 Capillary (GPA 2186)
  • 里德蒸气压
  • RSH -染色管
  • Sediment and Water Analysis
  • 缩小
  • 点废话&W
  • 斑点收缩w/API
  • Sulfur In 石油 Analysis by X-Ray Fluorescence (ASTM D4294)
  • Sulfur Speciation (GPA 2199, D-5623)
  • 全硫分析
  • 粘度分析

Understanding Mixed Flowing 气体 测试

Mixed flowing 气体 (MFG) testing is an accelerated aging test that specifically evaluates the corrosion of electrical components due to exposure to atmospheric 气体ses and contaminants.


Operational impacts and benefits of determining Methanol Concentration by 气体 色谱法

Methanol hydrates are a common problem within the oil and 气体 industry. Chromatographic analysis is one of the most cost-effective methods of examining methanol concentration.


Failure Analysis in the 石油 and 气体 Industry

This on-demand webinar provides real-life case studies and gives answers to questions, including what causes a component to fail? How do I conduct a failure investigation, and how can I prevent failure from occurring?

Nearly 200 Years of Making Certain


石油 & 气体测试服务

石油 & 气体

im体育APP's global platform of laboratories offers advanced services designed to test and qualify materials intended for use within the environments of the future.

环境 Compliance 测试

环境 Compliance & 安全

im体育APP’s industry-leading environmental compliance and safety services help our customers to demonstrate the highest possible standards of environmental compliance and socially responsible performance.



im体育APP performs hydrocarbon testing and analysis for environmental consultants, 能源市场, and municipalities to analyze the concentrations of hydrocarbon compounds and make certain it meets regulatory guidelines.


Specialty 气体 Standards and 设备

im体育APP manufactures specialty calibration 气体 standards including liquid natural 气体 calibration standards and natural 气体 calibration standards.


我们的团队超过9人,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.