We offer 噪音 impact assessments to support planning applications for residential and industrial construction projects. 随着公众对噪音污染及其对人口的负面影响的认识不断提高, 计算噪音的影响已成为任何新发展的重要基石.  

im体育APP's specialist 噪音 和振动 services range from desktop scoping and screening studies to planning, 环境影响评估环境许可支持和合规性评估.



  • 噪音和震动评估,以支持规划应用
  • 环境影响评估 (EIA)
  • 根据BS 4142:2014+A1:2019进行工业噪声评估
  • 使用CadnaA软件进行详细的噪声建模
  • 按照国际标准进行噪音调查审计和咨询
  • 建筑设计中的噪声和振动细节
  • 就制订噪音消减计划,向地方当局提供规划意见及谘询
  • 建筑及拆卸评估
  • 建筑声学设计服务
  • 道路交通、铁路及航空噪音影响评估
  • 协助履行与规划许可有关的条件



Our highly experienced team can assist by calculating the impact of 噪音 in accordance with guidance and international standards.

We utilize state-of-the-art 噪音 modeling software to generate a highly accurate 3D simulation of both existing and proposed conditions, 在预先确定的地点,确定噪音对环境的影响. 我们的噪声建模软件考虑了气象条件, 当地的地形, 和其他外部因素,为我们的客户提供精确和有价值的数据.

im体育APP utilizes Computer Aided Noise Abatement (CadnaA) software to provide visual 噪音 contour plots of the predicted environmental impact and assess mitigation schemes.



im体育APP提供环境噪声和振动调查,以支持影响评估. Ambient 噪音 measurements are undertaken in accordance with BS 7445:1991 “Description and Measurement of 环境 Noise”.

我们的声学噪声测试专家团队是美国 声学研究所 (IOA). 我们为所有im体育平台app下载提供专业的噪音和振动调查, 采用im体育平台app下载领先的设备和技术,包括 噪音摄影机 及噪音建模软件.


Learn how we performed an EIA (环境影响评估) for the construction of the UK's largest built environment product testing facility.

该项目包括声学设计协助, 噪音评估, and air quality dispersion modeling to demonstrate that the new facility would not have a detrimental impact on the local environment. 阅读我们的案例研究



在钻井过程中, im体育APP provided detailed technical acoustic input into the groundbreaking scheme that is supporting the decarbonization of heat supply for the world-famous Eden Project biomes. 阅读我们的案例研究


Learn how we carried out a 噪音 assessment addressing 噪音 pollution concerns surrounding the M32 Eastville Viaduct in Bristol.

阅读我们的案例研究 Stephen Wigham 展示了im体育APP的im体育平台app下载领先能力  阅读我们的案例研究


我们询问了我们的环境专家 Stephen Wigham to answer Frequently Asked Questions regarding environmental 噪音评估 and environmental impact assessments.

Discover how our independent environmental compliance experts are helping clients understand the environmental impact of new developments. 阅读我们的常见问题解答



住宅和工业区有一个法定的振动限制. 建设, 拆迁活动, 铁路, 繁忙的道路对振动的影响很大. It is critical to determine the potential vibration impact on the surrounding areas and structures before any construction or 拆迁活动 commence. im体育APP’s Ground Borne Vibration surveys will provide you with certainty that your project remains below the vibration limit.



im体育APP offers a unique combination of experienced Acoustic Consultants and Noise 建模 expertise. Our engaged experts - members of the 声学研究所 and the Chartered Institute of 环境 Health - provide the certainty with your application needs by exhaustive surveying, 评估及建模.

您可以信赖im体育APP来支持您进行所有的噪音调查 & 评估、模拟及声学顾问服务; im体育APP的专家 今天.

  • 英国标准学会[BS] 7445-1:2003 -环境噪声的描述和测量. 数量和程序指南. BSI、伦敦.
  • 英国标准学会[BS] EN 61672-1:2003电声学. 声级计. 规范. BSI、伦敦.
  • British 标准 Institution [BS] 6472-1:2008 Guide to evaluation of human exposure to vibration in buildings. 第1部分:爆破以外的振动源,BSI,伦敦.
  • 英国标准学会[BS] 7385-2:1993建筑物振动的评定和测量. 第2部分,地面振动损伤等级指南. BSI、伦敦.
  • British 标准 Institution [BS] 5228-1:2009+A1:2014 “Code of practice for 噪音 和振动 control on construction and open sites – Part 1: Noise”.
  • British 标准 Institution [BS] 5228-2:2009+A1:2014 “Code of practice for 噪音 和振动 control on construction and open sites – Part 2: Vibration”.
  • 英国标准协会[BS] 8233:建筑物的隔音和降噪. BSI、伦敦.
  • British 标准 Institution [BS] 4142:2014+A1:2019 Methods for rating and assessing industrial and commercial sound, BSI、伦敦.
  • 运输部,威尔士办事处(1988年). 道路交通噪音的计算. HMSO,伦敦.
  • 《im体育APP》(1990年). HMSO,伦敦.
  • 污染控制法(1974年). HMSO,伦敦.
  • 环境局(2004年). Integrated Pollution Prevention and 控制 [IPPC] Version 3 Horizontal 指导 for Noise Part 2 – Noise Assessment and
  • 控制. 布里斯托尔环境局.
  • 公路局(2011). 道路和桥梁设计手册,第11卷,第3节,第7部分:噪声和振动. 公路局.
  • 国际标准化组织(1996年). ISO 9613-2:1996 Acoustics – Attenuation of sound during propagation outdoors – Part 2: General method of calculation. ISO、瑞士.
  • 国际标准化组织(2010). ISO 3744:2010 Acoustics –Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of 噪音 sources using sound pressure -- 工程 methods for an essentially free field over a reflecting plane. ISO、瑞士.
  • 住房和社区部 & 地方政府(2018年). 国家规划政策框架. OGL,伦敦.

All our measurement equipment is routinely calibrated by external laboratories to ensure the accuracy of the data and provide full transparency to regulatory bodies.

im体育APP 如果您对声学测试或要求有任何疑问. 



发现我们的环境思想领导内容,包括文章, 白皮书, 案例研究和常见问题解答.

由我们的im体育平台app下载专家撰写, we explore a range of laboratory and field-based topics related to how we help clients comply with environmental legislation and maintain safe operations.





空气扩散模型 computes weather patterns and local topography to predict the concentration of emissions at ground level caused by an emissions source. 了解更多.



Find out how we help our customers comply with regulations for ambient air quality to protect human health and the environment from the harmful effects of air pollution.



Find out how we help our customers to minimize exposure to Hand Arm and Whole Body Vibration in the workplace.






im体育APPim体育平台app下载专家为空气质量提供环境影响评估, 噪音, 和振动, 在规划过程中必须仔细考虑哪些因素.



了解我们的烟囱排放测试服务如何帮助我们的客户防止暴露, 减少排放, improve air quality and achieve regulatory compliance for the industrial installations they operate.



For industrial sites encountering an unexpected breakdown of their CEMS emissions measurement instruments, our team will quickly devise a CEMS recovery plan based on your monitoring requirements and processes.


环保合规 & 安全

im体育APP’s industry-leading environmental compliance and safety services help our customers to demonstrate the highest possible standards of environmental compliance and socially responsible performance.


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.